PCS at Durham Miners’ Gala 2023

Start date
End date
Durham centre
Who's it for
trades unionists and supporters

All PCS members are asked to bring as many banners and flags as possible to this key date in the labour movement’s calendar. Let’s make this the biggest and most colourful PCS contingent yet.

PCS arrangements

PCS is assembling at 9.30am at the Whitechurch Free House (formerly New Inn), Durham DH1 3DN, for the traditional march through the city.


The city centre will be closed to traffic from 4am on gala day. Visitors are encouraged to use the 3 large park and ride facilities at Sniperley, Howlands Farm and Belmont.

Coaches will be able to park at Sidegate car park or Belmont park and ride.

Significantly, the 2023 gala is dedicated to workers in struggle in a year which has seen unprecedented levels of industrial action in PCS in response to the cost-of-living crisis. The Durham Miners’ Association (DMA) which organises the event, which typically attracts around 200,000 people, is proud to recognise all those organising to defend their members and communities from the impact of years of austerity and price rises. DMA chair Stephen Guy said: “We urge everyone to rise up join a union and join the fight for a better society for all. All our platform speakers support those taking action in their workplaces and in their communities and I’m sure they will all inspire us to take up the task.”

The platform speakers at the 137th gala are:

Further information including camping

Read more information about the arrangements for this year’s gala.

Banner groups are expected to arrive in the city from 8am. 

At 8.30am banner groups and bands gather in Durham City Centre Market Place.  Other assembly points include Whitechurch pub on the West of the city. 

The speeches will begin at "the Big Meeting" on the racecourse at 1pm.

Following the conclusion of the speeches, brass bands play and new banners are blessed at Durham Cathedral during the Miners’ Festival Service. Whether you are a believer or not, this is worth a visit for the sheer dramatic experience. The procession of bands and banners begins at 2.30pm, with the service starting at 3pm. The service is always full and people are advised to arrive early.

Event Contact

PCS will have a stall on site among the other trade union marquees. As in previous years, we will require volunteers to staff the stall.

Please contact simon@pcs.org.uk to volunteer.