Northwest Learning Event

Start date
End date
Robert Tressell Room, Jack Jones House
Who's it for
Learning Reps, those thinking of being learning reps, Organisers and Equality Reps

This event will give reps an update on some of the learning available through different funding streams and be a chance to take part in three learning sessions that you could run for PCS members in your branches.

The sessions covered will be:

Understanding Your Pay Slip  - TUC Multiply project

Women and the Vote  - Manchester Trade Union Education Unit

Understanding the Menopause  - Manchester Trade Union Education Unit

Please contact Ann Ainsworth if you wish to attend. This event has 22 places. 

Event Contact

Ann Ainsworth Northwest Organiser 07788 968743

Event Address

PCS, 3rd Floor, Jack Jones House, 1 Islington, L3 8EE