Neurodiversity Week Online Event 23 March

Start date
End date
MS Teams
Who's it for
All PCS members

It's Neurodiversity Celebration Week on 13 - 19 March.

The national disabled members forum wishes to invite all members to an online lunchtime neurodiversity event. It will be hosted on Microsoft Teams.

Hannah David, chair of the national disabled members forum (NDMF) and NEC member will host the event. We will discuss the challenges and barriers faced by neurodivergent members in the workplace as well as how they can be overcome.

There will be a short talk from Austin Harney, (MoJ rep on the NDMF and NEC member) which will open out to a discussion with those attending the event. There is an opportunity to ask Austin a question before the event by submitting it within your online registration form.

This event isn't being recorded.

Event Contact