International Workers Memorial Day Cardiff

Start date
End date
Transport House Cardiff
Who's it for
Reps and Members

Every year on 28 April all around the world, the trade union members unite to mark International Workers’ memorial Day (#IWMD23).

We remember those who have lost their lives at work, or from work – related injury and disease.  We renew our efforts to organise collectively to prevent more deaths as a result of work, whilst we fight for the living!

Wales TUC invites PCS members to join the memorial to commemorate those we have lost.  The event will be held at 1 Cathedral Road, Cardiff from 10:00 am.

Speeches will be made by Mark Drakeford MS, the First Minister for Wales and Shavanah Taj, Wales TUC General Secretary, followed by a wreath laying ceremony and a minute’s silence.  Please contact Ceri Williams at if you plan on attending.

Event Contact

Ceri Williams, 

Event Address

Transport House, 1 Cathedral Road, Cardiff, CF11 9HA