Green Forum 2023 - hybrid meeting

Start date
End date
PCS Midlands
Who's it for

After a summer of wildfires and floods, it is clear to most that climate change is the biggest challenge facing us. The UK government is rolling back on net zero policy and therefore it’s never been more important that we develop our strategies and action to address the climate crisis, and the social and economic crisis.

The annual PCS Green Forum will be a hybrid event with a maximum of 40 places for an in-person meeting at the PCS Birmingham Office, with no limit to online participation. The forum will focus on our proposals for building a workers’ plan for a National Climate Change and Biodiversity Service, and for sustainable workplaces.

In-person participation is open to Green Reps or other reps that may cover the green agenda, and members interested in taking on the Green Rep role. Online participation is open to any member or rep. Please register via the online form and indicate whether you wish to attend in-person or online.

For further information, please contact