Glasgow Resist Racism March and Rally 18 March

Start date
End date
Central Glasgow
Who's it for

On Saturday 18 March, UN Anti Racism Day coordinated demonstrations are taking place across the world.

As part of this, #ResistRacism marches will be held in London, Glasgow and Cardiff supported by the TUC. These events will put thousands of anti-racists, trade unionists, students and campaigners on the streets to say #RefugeesWelcome and #NeverAgain.

PCS is organising a bloc on each of the demonstrations and is inviting members and their families to join us there.  Each rally will include a PCS NEC speaker.

Details of local transport to Glasgow are available on the Resist Racism Facebook page.

PCS will fund reasonable transport costs for members and immediate family to attend the demonstration. 

Contact for more information.

Event Contact

Paul Martin (

Event Address

Assemble from 11.00am, St George Square, Glasgow