The Case for a Four-Day Week - Labour Party Conference fringe meeting

Start date
End date
ACC Liverpool - Arena Room 5
Who's it for
Labour Party conference pass holders

PCS members in EFRA group are running an impactful four-day week campaign with constructive engagement happening with DEFRA management. Our general secretary, Fran Heathcote will be joining the 4 Day Week Campaign for a panel discussion at Labour Party conference. 

This fringe meeting will discuss the growing movement for a four-day week, the latest research and wider societal implications, and the crucial role Parliament can play to ensure a fair UK-wide transition to a four-day week with no loss of pay.

Speakers: Joe Ryle (director of the 4 Day Week Campaign), Fran Heathcote (PCS general secretary), Peter Dowd (Labour MP for Bootle), India Burgess (Head of Advocacy at The Autonomy Institute).

Event Contact

James Davies

Event Address

ACC Liverpool
King's Dock, Port of Liverpool
Kings Dock Street
L3 4FP