ARMs Yorkshire & Humber 2023 AGM

Start date
PCS, 3rd floor, Town Centre House Merrion Centre, Leeds, LS2 8LY
Who's it for

The AGM will be a face to face meeting only. All members of the PCS ARMs Yorkshire and Humber branch are welcome to attend.

The meeting will elect the Branch Chair, Secretary, Vice Chair, Organiser, Treasurer and 6 seats on the Branch committee. Any member may nominate themselves or other Yorkshire and Humber ARMs members to any of these positions.

The meeting will also nominate members of the National ARMs Committee and consider motions to the National ARMs forum.

Any branch or national nominations, or any motions, must be sent by Thursday 9 February 2023 to

If you wish to attend please let me know so that you can be sent the papers for the meeting by email to

Immediately after the AGM there will be a branch committee meeting. Any member may also attend that.