ARMs South East 2023 AGM

Start date
Who's it for

The next PCS national strike is due on March 15 and that was the date we'd set for the South East Region ARMS AGM.

To allow members (not least those on the current committee) to show support for picket lines and/or attend marches and rallies in London or elsewhere, we will postpone the AGM for 24 hours: it will now be at 12 noon on Thursday 16 March. Please contact the secretary for an agenda that will include instructions for joining the re-arranged meeting via Zoom (see email below). Apologies if this has caused any inconvenience.

You don't need a Zoom account to log in, or a camera on your internet device, but input and output microphones are required as Zoom won't work without them. Accepting (or otherwise) our annual report will be an agenda item. Please download and read the ARMs South East annual report 2022-23.

Please email as soon as possible if you'd like to nominate yourself or others for positions within the ARMS National Committee and our own regional committee, as deadlines are involved, and also for the joining instructions.

We have the following vacancies:

Chair, Vice Chair (2), Secretary, Treasurer.

Frequency of meetings will be down to the new committee, but bi-monthly has been suggested. We would like to be able to accommodate face-to-face meetings, but at best they should be 'hybrid', i.e. possible to attend via Zoom as well.

The AGM is also the opportunity to propose motions to the ARMS National Forum later in the year, please email the We can help draft a motion so it is in the correct format.

At our last committee meeting, we noted support given to the 1 February PCS strikes by ARMS members across our region. We wish our colleagues every success in their current dispute.