ARMs Eastern 2023 AGM

Start date
End date
Unite, 39 Thorpe Road, Norwich NR1 1ES
Who's it for

If you would like to attend the AGM please email the ARMs regional secretary, Vince Fitzgibbon ( Under current health and safety rules all attendees will be required to submit a proforma.

 In order to facilitate members unable to travel, this will be a hybrid meeting, so any member unable to attend in person may participate via Zoom. If you wish to attend via Zoom, please email the ARMs Regional Secretary at the email address above. 

If you would like to make a nomination for a regional committee position (chair, vice chair/organiser, secretary, treasurer, committee member) or if you wish to submit a motion for debate at the AGM, please forward details via the email above to the secretary by Wednesday, 22 February 2023. 

The ARMs national committee is also calling for nominations for elections to the ARMs national committee; nomination forms are available from the regional secretary at the email address above.