All-members' meeting - support sacked Benton Park View reps

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Who's it for

Three PCS Reps working for HMRC at Benton View Park have been sacked in what PCS believes is a clear-cut case of trade union victimisation. 

We are stepping up the campaign to get our reps reinstated. In her first letter to the new prime minister, PCS General Secretary, Fran Heathcote demanded our peps be reinstated, and PCS has tabled an early day motion to raise the issue in parliament. 

Email your MP and ask them to sign our EDM. 

Join us at 6pm Tuesday, 13 August on Zoom for an all-members' meeting about the campaign, and hear more about how you can get involved in getting justice for our Reps. 

Speakers will include PCS General Secretary, Fran Heathcote, and the meeting will be chaired by Benton Park View chair, Mark Haddrell.

All PCS members and supporters welcome. 

Event Contact

Jenni Gunn
National officer - organising and education