Outsourced Facilities Workers TUC Training Course

Start date
End date
Who's it for
Outsourced Facilities Management Workers

Our Work Matters: Outsourced Facilities Workers Connect is an in-person training and networking day for facilities workers across different trade unions on June 15th. Register online to attend.

The course will include workshops with union reps and members sharing practical advice on how they ran successful workplace campaigns and won:

  • £15 per hour
  • Safe, contractual sick pay
  • Insourcing
  • agreeing facility time
  • and more.

The course will be an excellent opportunity for PCS reps involved in 2023 pay negotiations and those who want to develop the skills to negotiate with your employer, as it will cover how you can win many of the demands in the PCS 2023 pay claim.

Book your place online and request paid time off to attend from your manager straight away.

Whilst the course is targeted at London based PCS reps and members, PCS will fund the travel and subsistence of up to 10 people based outside London. If you are based outside London, please  email outsourcedworkers@pcs.org.uk before 1 June so that arrangements can be made to pay your travel and subsistence.

Event Contact


Event Address

Central Hall Westminster, Storey's Gate, London SW1H 9NH