National Black Members Committee: Introduction to becoming a Health & Safety Rep

Start date
End date
Microsoft Teams
Who's it for
Black Members

The national black members' committee (NBMC) in collaboration with the College of Haringey, Enfield and North-East London (CONEL) is offering a 90-minute on-line course designed for all PCS Black members interested in becoming a health and safety rep, regardless of where you live.

A safe workplace is a fundamental right for all. Employers have a responsibility to ensure that work does not negatively impact our health. Trade unions have worked hard to deliver the comprehensive health and safety legislation that the UK workforce enjoys. However, government and employers try to undermine the gains we’ve made.

This short introductory ‘Taster’ course aims to spark your interest in becoming a PCS health and safety rep for your workplace, and play a vital role in ensuring members have protection from stress-inducing, presentee-ism fixated employers through a strong, well-organised union.

The course will be led by Fred Behardien from CONEL. If you have any queries about it, please contact us at

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Event Contact

Equality Department and TUed Academy

Event Address