Learn with PCS - Life Writing

Bee explains why she's loved the PCS Life Writing course, part of our Learn with PCS national online learning programme.

This course is the best workshop I’ve been on since I joined the civil service. I enjoyed the first one so much I signed up again!

The tutors, Laura and Inbali, take you on a journey through your life from childhood through to your future and enable you to voice your authentic feelings about that journey. It is incredibly touching and beautifully done. If you like writing, want to start writing, or even are just curious then my advice is to sign up, you will not regret it!

Laura and Inbali are authors, and they are truly wonderful; very inclusive and unobtrusive. They share poems and images to help prompt the writing exercises we do.

For me personally, I abandoned writing after I left university and that is a point of real sadness for me. Until my early twenties my ambition was to be an author. I had gotten to a point where I had published a fair amount of poetry and was beginning to branch out. Then I entered into the labour market and writing took a back seat to work and motherhood and I somehow forgot what pure joy it can bring!

This course brought writing back into focus for me; I LOVE to write, and to do it for no other purpose than the joy it brings and a moment of catharsis. I also love the bravery of my fellow PCS members on the course sharing their work and the genuine support everyone gives each other. It feels like a really safe environment to expose little pieces of our journeys.

Since the first course I've published a piece in a collected anthology on motherhood; seeing my writing out there again is huge to me and wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t stumbled on this course.  

The PCS Life Writing course will run again later this year.

All upcoming PCS Learning events and courses for members are on our events page (together with training for activists). To register you will need to log into your PCS Digital account.