Invigorated and ready to vote yes

Young member Josh explains why he feels invigorated after attending the recent PCS Young Members’ Seminar and shares why he is voting yes in our national ballot

On 17 and 18 September I attended the PCS Young Member’s Seminar in Glasgow. I have been a civil servant and a member of the union for just under a year. I applied to attend the seminar with the aim of learning more and seeing if I wanted to get more involved. Now, I have come away with more useful knowledge than I thought could possibly be gained in two days. I am also now becoming an advocate and hope to attend conference next year as a trainee delegate.

The seminar was invigorating, and I am particularly grateful to say it made me hopeful. This in a political and social climate that gives many of us little reason to hope.

I did not realise it, but I had been subconsciously hoodwinked by the anti-union propaganda that has been peddled by the media and by politicians across the spectrum my whole life. I thought unions had been irreversibly weakened, and that union membership would be a demonstration of solidarity and little else. Of course, this is exactly what they want us to think.

The simple truth, I have realised, is we outnumber them. We have collective power to fight, not just for ourselves, but our colleagues, our friends, our families, and our communities.

I am voting for industrial action this September. For my colleagues, for my friends, and for the public who rely on our services. This government does not seem interested in our advice or our solutions. They leave us with no option but to speak in terms even they will understand. That is, to simply say no.

In Glasgow we learned about the long history of the people of that city who fought for equality, dignity, and respect, against even greater odds than we face today. I am sure my fellow young members share my feeling that it is in our power to try and live up to their legacy.

Solidarity forever.

Need a ballot paper?

Our national ballot is underway and runs until 7 November and if you mislaid your ballot paper or it hasn’t arrived you can request a replacement from tomorrow (4 October).

To request a replacement ballot you can log on to PCS Digital, go to your member record and select a button called "Request a Replacement Ballot Paper". This will send a request to our balloting team. You will then be required to confirm/update your ballot address or employer.

Alternatively, speak to your local advocate, rep, or branch activist to send the request for you through the PCS Organising Hub. You will then receive an email that will follow the same path as above.

Update your details

The independent scrutineer sent your ballot paper to the postal address you had registered with us on 5 September. You should log in to PCS Digital to check the postal address and personal contact details we hold are correct so we can keep in touch with you with news about our campaigns. If you updated your postal address after the 5 September, you will be able to request a replacement to your new address from Tuesday.

The deadline for new members joining PCS to get a vote is 5pm on Monday, 17 October.

Anyone joining by that time and date will automatically be sent a ballot paper.