Eliminating domestic abuse in all its forms

For UN International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women, Ginnette blogs about how the cost of living crisis is making the impact of economic abuse even worse.

UN International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women on the 25 November launches 16 days of action supporting women in tackling and ending violence. The theme this year is ‘UNITE! Activism to End Violence against Women & Girls’.

Domestic abuse is a workplace and trade union issue. I am a survivor of verbal abuse and financial control (economic abuse). I recognise little has changed for survivors since the 1980s. It’s not just psychological effects because the resulting debt and financial insecurity carries through long after leaving. Those early adult years of coercive control continued to limit my lifestyle into my 50s. I faced the prospect of a debt-ridden retirement until PPI compensation wiped out 35 years of crippling debt for me, but for many, relief never comes.

I’m angry that in today’s world this is allowed to continue; perpetrators are using the current cost-of-living crisis to justify controlling women's access to money.

Covid restrictions and working from home increased risk factors, making it harder for those experiencing domestic abuse to escape. Survivors cannot afford outside activities because of the cost-of-living crisis which would otherwise get them out of their homes. In addition, wages no longer cover living costs that come with going it alone.

The cost-of-living crisis is having an unprecedented impact on women and families and requires urgent action. The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 offers some protections but we can do more. PCS has written a motion to TUC women’s conference 2023 calling on the government to provide emergency financial support for families and increase funds to support services, debt advice organisations and legal advice.

If you need help you can contact Refuge, the domestic abuse charity, free on 0808 2000 247 or online.

As part of your PCS membership benefits, you can access help from the PayPlan debt advice organisation and a range of other free helplines and services.