Whitehall workers begin five-day strike

Cleaners, security guards and support staff in three major departments today begin action over pay 

The Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union members employed by outsourced company ISS will down tools at the Department for Energy Security & Net Zero, Department for Business & Trade and Department for Science, Innovation & Technology until the end of October 13.   

The almost 100 workers are angry to have been offered just a 2.2% rise when inflation is running at 6.8% – anger that has been stoked by an employer that appears uninterested in resolving the dispute.    

PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: "We haven’t had a meeting with ISS for months, which is insulting. Our members are working alongside people earning more money, on better terms and conditions, while the company is making a vast profit at their expense.   

“It’s time for ISS to pay our members a fair wage and time for the government to end outsourcing and the resulting two-tier workforce.”   

The new action follows the well-supported strike at the beginning of last month, where members took action for five days.
