Whitehall workers begin 19-day strike tomorrow

PCS members in three government departments take action over pay

ISS employees working in three major government departments are tomorrow (Monday) beginning nineteen days’ strike action.

The Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union members working as outsourced cleaners, security guards and support staff at the departments for Energy Security & Net Zero, Business & Trade and Department for Science, and Innovation & Technology will walk out from November 27 to December 15 after employer ISS failed to improve on a 2% pay offer.

PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: “ISS made £72m in profits last year, handing out £1m in bonuses to their senior staff, yet tell us they can’t afford to pay our members a fair wage.

“Our members don’t believe them, which is why they’re going back out on strike again. There is no end in sight to this dispute until managers get round the table with an improved offer.” 

The strike follows previous well-supported action in September and October over a below-inflation pay offer of 2.2%, union recognition and improvements to terms and conditions.
