Strikes called off after PCS wins in Whitehall

PCS members celebrate victory over outsourcer ISS

Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union members working in three major government departments have called off strike action after winning a pay rise of up to 8%.

The cleaners, security guards and support staff employed by outsourced company ISS at the Department for Energy Security & Net Zero, Department for Business & Trade and Department for Science, Innovation & Technology had taken 34 days’ strike action.

Now they have accepted a pay deal, backdated until March, that will see them receive rises between 5 and 8%, above the Living Wage Foundation’s rates. 

They have also won further gains on full pay sickness absence and other vital terms, closing the gap between them and directly-employed civil servants.

PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: “This is a victory for our members’ persistence against a stubborn employer.

“Our members showed great strength in going on strike for so long, and now they will receive the rewards they deserve by setting the industry standard of statutory minimum terms and conditions.

“PCS is committed to extending these wins across Whitehall, ending the scourge of outsourcing that has seen a race to the bottom to maximise profits at the expense of our hard-working members.”
