"The real tough decisions are forced on our members" – PCS responds to Prime Minister's TUC speech

Fran Heathcote says the problems caused by austerity cannot be solved with more austerity

Responding to the Prime Minister’s speech to TUC Congress, PCS general secretary Fran Heathcote said: "We’ve had enough of being told about ‘tough decisions’. The real tough decisions are forced upon our members every day trying to make ends meet.

“Thousands of the government's own workers earn just above the minimum wage and are having to rely on food banks. There will not be a stronger economy without boosting the incomes of working people.

"You cannot solve the problems caused by austerity with more austerity. That's why the TUC has voted overwhelmingly for a campaign of pay restoration across the public sector – which will boost living standards and strengthen the economy."
