Pensions workers back on strike as TPR boss ignores request to resolve dispute

Union says Nausicaa Delfas's head-in-the-sand attitude has extended seven-month strike 

Public and Commercial Services (PCS) members go back on strike tomorrow after The Pensions Regulator chief executive Nausicaa Delfas ignored a request to resolve the seven-month dispute. 

PCS general secretary Fran Heathcote wrote to Nausicaa Delfas at the beginning of the month seeking but received no response to her request for a meeting.

As a result, more than 380 workers will walk out tomorrow (February 28), February 29, and March 1, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19 and 20.

Fran Heathcote said: “Our members are deeply disappointed their chief executive has refused to meet me. We have put together a set of very reasonable proposals but Nausicaa Delfas won’t even agree to discuss them.

“Her head-in-the-sand attitude has led to the dispute’s continuation. It is on her. If she cared about her staff’s welfare and her organisation’s reputation, she would meet with me and work towards a speedy resolution.” 
