PCS welcomes Raab resignation

Union says bullying at work is unacceptable and must be called out

PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: “Whilst I am happy to see Raab go, this is nothing more than the latest in a line of high-ranking government members who have been caught in the act, and subsequently called out on it.

''Both Suella Braverman and Priti Patel broke the ministerial code. Boris Johnson and Matthew Hancock got caught breaking their own Covid rules. 

''They have proved themselves again to be corrupt, and they should not be allowed to stay in power. 

''Dominic Raab has been proven to be a bully, but this government has got away with treating its own workforce appallingly.

''PCS members keep the country running with their hard work, and yet they are suffering the indignity of having to use foodbanks and to claim benefits because despite working for the government, they are poor.

 "For PCS members, Raab's resignation does not offer the succour that Sunak may have intended.

"Whilst the government may try to present it as justice being done, the reality is that ordinary civil servants would have been sacked for less. Raab was instead given the opportunity to resign, and will no doubt crop back up again soon in a reshuffle.

"This is a case of one rule for them, and another for us. It is certainly not the case that we see this as justice being done."



