PCS warns of “high profile disruptive strikes” throughout the summer

Civil and public servants in 106 government departments vote to renew their strike ballot for six months

Today’s results saw a huge overall 88% ‘Yes’ vote for strike action on a 52% turnout and means PCS can continue to call a mixture of sustained action in targeted areas as part of the union’s national campaign over pay, pensions, redundancy terms and job security.

Among those who voted ‘Yes’ are members working in the Home Office, Passport Office and DVLA, and those working as driving examiners. They are now able to join those who already have a mandate for action, including those at HMRC. A full list of results is here.

PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: “This vote shows our members will not tolerate being treated worse than anyone else in the public sector.

“It sends a very strong signal to the government that they must get round the negotiating table immediately.

“After six months of strike action, the government might have hoped our members would go quietly back to work, but ministers have under-estimated our members’ strength, determination and resolve.

“PCS members kept this country running during the pandemic and they deserve to be treated better by their employer.

“Unless ministers put more money on the table, they will see more high profile disruptive action over the summer, leading into autumn.”
