PCS told UK civil servants may be found liable for crimes committed by Israeli state

UK''s largest civil service union demands urgent meeting with Cabinet Office

The government may be putting UK civil servants at risk of being found liable for crimes committed by the Israeli state, the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union has been told.

The UK’s largest civil service union has written to Cabinet Secretary Cat Little after seeing legal opinion commissioned by Global Justice Now.

The advice warns “it seems likely that the UK has provided ‘assistance’ to Israel which may have been used to support Israel’s unlawful occupation of the Occupied Territories and/or to assist in the commission of allegedly wrongful acts (including “Genocide, War Crimes, and Crimes Against Humanity) including during Israel’s military operation in Gaza.

The advice, provided by Sam Fowles of Cornerstone Barristers, says “assistance” includes the provision of weapons, military and logistical support, intelligence sharing, economic support (including “facilitating the unlawful occupation by facilitating trade with the Occupied Territiories”) and diplomatic support.

PCS general secretary Fran Heathcote said: “Our members should not be placed in a position where they may be at risk of breaking international law.

“We are extremely concerned about this new legal opinion, which is why we’ve demanded an urgent meeting with Cat Little to seek reassurances our members will not be placed in this situation.” 
