PCS responds to Home Secretary's immigration speech

Paul O'Connor says Suella Braverman should do what's best for the country, not what she thinks is best for her political ambitions

Responding to the Home Secretary’s speech to Conservative Party Conference, PCS Head of Bargaining Paul O’Connor said: 

"There needs to be a hard-headed assessment of migration requirements to enable our country to function properly now and in the future.

“We have a chronic staff shortage in the NHS and other vital areas.  We have a demographic ageing crisis.  Throwing out arbitrary reduction figures to play to the gallery does nothing to address those issues.

“It's time for the government to get real and take a sensible approach to asylum and immigration, instead of using it to stoke up hatred and division to mask their catastrophic failings on living standards.

"And it's time for the Home Secretary to do what's best for the country, not what she thinks is best for her own political ambitions."
