PCS responds to 5% civil service pay rise

Fran Heathcote says there’s no justification for civil servants getting less than some other public sector workers

Responding to today’s announcement on a 5% civil service pay rise, Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union general secretary Fran Heathcote said:

"Our national campaign is continuing to win concessions for our members. Having doubled the remit guidance last year, won a £1,500 lump sum and forced the abandonment of cuts to redundancy terms, we’ve now won a 5% pay rise, which is 3% above the current rate of inflation.

"However, while we see this as a step in the right direction, there’s no justification for civil servants getting less than some other public sector workers.

“Our hard-working members are the engine room of the country and they experience the same cost-of-living pressures as everyone else, so why should they receive less reward?

“We’re disappointed the government has missed the opportunity to adopt our proposals for dealing immediately with low pay and structural problems and while we welcome the change of tone and atmosphere from the new government towards the civil service, we want immediate talks to address all of our members’ issues.”
