PCS publishes pre-election demands

Union publishes PCS Charter that includes asks for pay rises, more jobs and a commitment to hybrid working

The Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union today publishes its list of key demands for a future government – including pay rises, more jobs and a commitment to hybrid working.

The union, which represents 190,000 civil and public servants across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, has sent its Charter to all political parties ahead of next month’s General Election.

Also included in the document are demands on pensions, social security reform, tax justice, safe passage, trade union rights and a commitment to insourcing – bringing privatised workers back into the public sector.

PCS general secretary Fran Heathcote said: “Civil servants form the backbone of government because it’s our members who will deliver and implement the policies of the incoming government.

“As such, we believe it’s incumbent on our members’ new employer to listen to their workforce and act on their concerns.

“The previous government has consistently attacked civil servants, making our members scapegoats for ministers’ own failed policies.

“We call on the incoming government to stop using our members as political fodder to appease the right wing media and treat them with the respect they deserve – and that starts with giving them a fair pay rise.”
