PCS members move closer to new strikes

Delegates to annual conference to discuss calling further national strike action, potentially with other civil service unions

Members of the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union are to discuss calling further national strike action – potentially with other civil service unions – as their national campaign goes up another gear with warnings of serious disruption to key services over the summer. 

At tomorrow’s annual conference in Brighton, union members will debate more targeted and all-member action to build pressure on the government to settle their long-running dispute over pay, pensions, redundancy terms and job security.  

The action could include those working for the Passport Office, Border Force and DVLA. 

The union’s renewed strike mandate means industrial action can be called at any time during the next six months, providing two weeks’ notice is given. 

PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: “The battle to achieve our reasonable demands must continue. PCS members have been treated worse by the government than any other public sector workers – we will not tolerate this and are determined to fight on, including with fellow trade unions, particularly other civil service unions. 

“Ministers must not under-estimate our members’ anger and determination – more strikes in frontline services will be inevitable if the government doesn’t come to a settlement with us.” 
