PCS members in BEIS London (ISS) vote for industrial action

PCS members employed by ISS on a Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) contract have voted overwhelmingly in a ballot to support industrial action.  

The PCS *BEIS London South Branch voted by 98.51% to support industrial action on a huge 69.07% turnout, easily surpassing the required threshold. 

PCS is in dispute with ISS in BEIS over pay, improvements to conditions and union recognition for PCS. 

PCS have also demanded a no compulsory redundancy agreement and meaningful talks around an office move that takes place in the summer.  

It has also raised concerns over Health and Safety and equality issues, calling on ISS to conduct an equal pay audit and develop an action plan with PCS to reduce gender and ethnicity pay gaps. 

*following a recent Machinery of Government change, BEIS has been divided into the Department for Business and Trade; the Department for Science Innovation and Technology; and the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero. 

Mark Serwotka, General Secretary of PCS, said:  

"PCS members who are employed by ISS on a BEIS contract in London have made it clear that they are sick and tired of being treated poorly by management. These are hardworking security guards, cleaners, receptionists, porters and post workers who have provided security and support for BEIS and civil servants over many years, including through the pandemic. 

"It is vital that management comes to the table to agree decent pay, job security and terms and conditions for our members. With experience of winning serious concessions from the employer, however, this branch's massive vote for action shows that it is unafraid to maximise disruption if management do not seek to promptly end the dispute with a fair offer."