PCS acting president and TUC general secretary to join Liverpool pickets

Martin Cavanagh and Paul Nowak will speak at a rally outside the Museum of Liverpool at 10am tomorrow

Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union acting president Martin Cavanagh and TUC general secretary Paul Nowak will tomorrow (Saturday) visit the National Museums of Liverpool picket line.

They will join museum workers taking eight weeks’ strike action after NML bosses refused to honour a one-off £1,500 cost-of-living crisis payment.

Martin Cavanagh said: “It’s scandalous that NML is the only one of 207 employers who have failed to make this payment.

“Museums are part of Liverpool’s cultural identity but without our members bringing them to life, they would be nothing.

“NML should recognise this, recognise the value, dedication and skills of our members, do the decent thing and pay up.”

Paul Nowak said: “It’s a disgrace that workers at the National Museums of Liverpool (NML) have been denied this payment.

“NML workers ensure we have world class museums and a vibrant cultural fabric here in Liverpool. It's what makes this city great.

"But they are being hammered by the cost of living crisis – that’s why it’s so important NML bosses honour the cost of living payment promised to workers.

“The TUC and the whole union movement stands with PCS members who are striking to defend their living standards and get what they are rightfully owed.

“Bosses at NML should do the right thing and pay up – now.”

Martin Cavanagh and Paul Nowak will speak at a special rally outside the Museum of Liverpool at Pier Head, Mann Island L3 1DG from 10am.
