More than 700 DVLA call centre workers in Swansea are to take strike action next month

PCS members will walk out on April 11 and 12, in a move likely to cause disruption to those making enquiries about their driving licences.

The strike is part of the union’s national campaign over pay, pensions, redundancy terms and job security. It has been announced after the union revealed plans for an all-out strike on April 28 by 133,000 civil and public servants in 132 government departments, and just before more than 100 Passport Office workers begin a five-week strike on April 2.

PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: “We are serious about winning this dispute; ministers should be serious about negotiating with us.

“Our action will continue to escalate until ministers put money on the table to help our members get through the cost-of-living crisis and beyond.”