House of Commons security guards balloted for strike action

PCS members working across the Palace of Westminster are angry at having to work extra night shifts

House of Commons security guards are to be balloted for strike action after being told to work extra night shifts to cover for a lack of staff.

The ballot of more than 250 Public and Commercial Services (PCS) members working across the entire Palace of Westminster estate runs from September 25 to October 9.

A strike would result in restricted access to the Houses of Parliament, resulting in long queues for MPs, staff and visitors.

PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: “Our members are angry at being made to pay the price for management’s failure to adequately retain and recruit staff.

“They are reporting increased levels of stress which, in turn, is leading to a rise in sick leave and putting further pressure on those reporting for duty.

“We call on management to withdraw the new roster, give our members a proper work/life balance and recruit sufficient staff to cover all vacancies.”
