Heathrow Border Force officers balloted for strike action

PCS members carrying out immigration controls and passport checks are angry at proposed changes to their shift patterns and working conditions

More than 600 Border Force officers are being balloted for strike action at Heathrow Airport.

The Public and Commercial Services (PCS) members carrying out immigration controls and passport checks are angry at proposed changes to their shift patterns and working conditions from April.

The ballot starts on March 1 and will run until March 22, meaning strike action could take place during the Easter holidays, potentially causing long queues.

PCS general secretary Fran Heathcote said: “Our members at Heathrow are united in their opposition to these draconian plans.

“One aspect of the plans would force workers to choose between finding another job or losing their allowances, another would see others having to sign up to new, exhausting shifts or leaving altogether.

“This is an appalling way to treat long-serving, dedicated staff, so it’s no wonder we’ve recruited hundreds of members in recent weeks.

“The employer can avoid strike action by withdrawing these plans, so the ball’s very much in their court.”
