Exploited outsourced workers ballot for Whitehall strike

Members of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) today launched a ballot expected to see them strike over low pay in the face of outsourced profits.

Low pay has driven nearly 60 workers employed on outsourced contracts by ISS at two BEIS offices in Whitehall to launch a ballot to strike. The PCS members, mostly from BAME backgrounds, work as cleaners and security guards – a sector typically exploited for profit by outsourcing companies.

Managers have refused to listen to workers and have failed to make a serious offer. However, the PCS members are demanding £17 an hour as well as improvements to conditions that go some way towards matching those of civil servants working in the same building.

PCS General Secretary, Fran Heathcote, said:

“The refusal to respond to workers’ dignity and needs is the key to the profits made on taxpayer-funded contracts by outsourcing giants like ISS. I echo the confidence of our members at BEIS who are yet again forced to strike for a fourth year running to try to address chronic low pay. If Labour wins the election, we will keenly watch its commitment to ending the chaos of outsourcing in its first 100 days.”

The ballot runs from today (24 June) to 8 July.
