133,000 PCS members to strike on 28 April

Union confirms industrial action throughout April as pressure is ramped up on the government to settle long-running dispute

Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union members will be on strike throughout April, culminating with another all-out strike by 133,000 civil and public servants on April 28.

The move, agreed this afternoon by members of the union’s executive committee, sees another major escalation in the union’s national campaign over pay, pensions, redundancy terms and job security.

It means civil and public servants will be taking strike action from today until the end of April, with workers in the Passport Office on strike for five weeks until 6 May.

Members working for Ofgem in Canary Wharf and Glasgow today announced six days’ strike action from 11-14 April and on 17 April 

PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka said: “Our members are not backing down in this dispute. Ministers need to take notice that we’re escalating our action and they need to resolve the dispute by putting money on the table.

“We know our strikes have already caused serious disruption. The new strikes and another national day of action will pile the pressure on a government that refuses to listen.”