PCS for young members: get involved and make friends

PCS's young members' network is open to all members aged 27 and below.  Jennifer explains how joining the young members' network has given her opportunities to get more involved with PCS, to learn, grow in confidence and make new friends.

When I first started in the civil service, I made sure to join the union as part of my probation.

When I got an email telling me about the young members’ network, it definitely piqued my interest! Being in the civil service helps you to meet loads of different people from all sorts of backgrounds and generations, but being a part of the young members’ network helps to build up new connections and possibly new friendships. 

As a fairly new member of PCS getting involved with the union, it can be hard to know where to start, especially if this is your first full time job. Being part of the young members’ network means you can reach out whilst feeling part of a community in which you can bond at social events while also getting work done to help achieve the union’s goals.

I haven’t been here long, but I have already jumped into accepting the role of a co-convenor for my area in the north west. It was daunting jumping in, but I’m glad I did, because now I have a whole host of opportunities to get involved. Even after I reach the age limit and can no longer be part of the young members’ network, I hope the experiences I have had will give me the knowledge I need to fully shine in PCS for the rest of my career, as well as making lifelong friends!

If you are aged 27 or under you can join the PCS young members' network. Contact organising@pcs.org.uk for more details.