Online and distance learning

There's a huge range of free online and distance learning available to PCS members across the UK.

Learn with PCS
Level 2 courses

PCS and other unions partner with leading online provider, The Skills Network, which offers free vocational level 2 qualifications (and some level 3 qualifications in Scotland) to learners across most English postcodes, and across all Scottish postcodes.

English regions - Find out about free courses available with the Skills Network in England. This offer covers most English postcodes - the main exceptions in England are Merseyside and parts of the north west. Check the details of postcodes and eligibility criteria on the website.

Scotland - Find out about free courses with the Skills Network for members in Scotland. Level 2 and some Level 3 courses.

Wales and Northern Ireland - Due to the devolution of the government adult education budget funding, there is currently no provision in Wales or Northern Ireland.

Online courses

As a PCS member, you can also sign up to over 20 accredited and non-accredited modules from leading eLearning provider Wranx.

Free online learning

There are thousands of free online courses called MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) which you can access. Some of the best ones are listed below.

The government's National Careers Service offers a guide to getting the most out of online learning.

Alison hundreds of courses in a range of subjects and categories

BBC Skillswise for adults - English and maths core skills applied to real-life situations, plus job skills

edX free online courses

FutureLearn also run by the Open University allows you to choose from thousands of online courses from top universities and specialist organisations. Most courses offer free limited access

The National Careers Service has a comprehensive list of free online learning courses by subject and category

OpenLearn run by the Open University, the home of learning for adults and mature students.

Skills assessment

The National Careers Service offers a free assessment which takes 5-10 minutes to complete.