Join PCS

We work collectively to get a better deal for all our members across the civil service and related areas. Our strength is in our membership and to campaign effectively we need members in all workplaces, including yours.

PCS acting locally and globally

PCS has built up good relationships with sister trade unions around the globe and through European and global trade union federations to promote and protect our members' interests and concerns.

We work collaboratively with a range of civil society organisations through affiliations, and other trade unions on leading campaigns.

Our broader international solidarity – in line with conference policy - embraces support for and defence of trade union, labour and more general human rights across a number of countries and regions, including Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa and Southern Africa.

PCS's policy position in support of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination with two independent states, Israel and Palestine, is in line with the democratic decision of the 2005 annual delegate conference, the union’s ultimate decision making body.

PCS is proud to campaign for human rights and against inequality and injustice. Solidarity is the very basis of trade unionism, and should not stop at national borders.