TUC supports call to back migrants’ rights

The TUC has passed a motion supporting migrants’ rights and calling for tougher sanctions on employers who exploit migrant workers tied to specific jobs by the Skilled Worker Visa.

The motion highlights the precarious situation faced by thousands of migrant workers and calls on the TUC to develop materials and develop materials and training to mainstream equality into all rep work, as well as materials for unions on how to support migrant workers.

The Equity motion also asks the TUC to challenge the Home Office to introduce tougher restrictions on employers and remove the right to sponsor visas from any employer who is found to abuse overseas workers, while making sure migrant workers do not suffer as a result and to lobby the government to make sure collective bargaining and full employment rights are available to migrant workers.

Speaking in support, PCS Rep Matt Exley, making his maiden speech at the Brighton conference, said “Migrant workers who come to this country should have exactly the same rights and terms as the workers they work alongside. Unions need to be effective at recruiting and organising those workers.

“No worker should have to endure poor working conditions under the fear of having to leave the UK if they stand up for their rights. We know that employers are already using these threats to underpay their workers, treat them poorly, and stamp out their calls for better rights and conditions.”

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