Tell us how you are challenging the far-right

PCS wants to hear from you about what you are doing to challenge the narratives and tactics of the far-right.

An upcoming edition of Activate, the PCS activist magazine, will focus on our anti-racist, anti-fascist (ARAF) strategy and the role that activists and members have played in their communities and in their workplaces to oppose all forms of racism and fascism.

In response to the recent far-right attacks on our communities, members have taken action to help those who have been maliciously targeted. In Middlesbrough, PCS members took part in the clean-up after fascists attacked the city. In Bristol, members were involved in a collection of toys and sweets for children in a hotel where asylum seekers are staying, at a time when families were terrified for their own safety.

We want to hear your story. Have you been involved in any counter-demonstrations? Have you shared the ARAF strategy with your branch or colleagues?

Looking at the issues more broadly, how have you approached holding difficult conversations with members, colleagues or others about race and racism? What organising are you doing in your workplace or outside it to challenge the rise of the far-right and to counter far-right narratives that have gained a foothold with help from the media and political class?

Please email your stories and experiences to

We have been urging branches to liaise with regional colleagues to support communities, mosques and businesses which have been directly affected by recent events. However, we also continue to urge members to stay vigilant, stay safe and stay in a group when attending demonstrations. Information on safety is available in the ARAF document and on our website.

We are holding an anti-racism and anti-fascism webinar on combating racism and the far right in our workplaces and communities on Thursday 15 August from 5:30-6:30pm. Please register online.

PCS members can read more about why PCS is proudly anti-racist and anti-fascist and learn about the ARAF strategy on PCS Knowledge (log-in required).