Strikers give G4S defiant message at DWP picket lines

Our campaign for fair pay for G4S DWP security staff continues, was the defiant message from striking PCS members who turned out in number in often wet conditions as the latest round of action began today.

Picket lines are growing across the country. At Atlantic Quay in Glasgow, members were out on the line from 7am and in good spirits on their first ever picket line. DWP members were supportive and passing motorists tooted their support. Roses and Krispy Kreme donuts went down very well.

Outside Tottenham jobcentre there was a great turnout again for the picket from members across North London. The stalwarts of Sheffield who have never missed a day’s picket line support since day one of PCS strike action in June were out again, even on a damp and dreary September morning. And the picket at Oldham Jobcentre was supported by brand new PCS members. Not far away outside Middleton jobcentre in Manchester, Mike, who has been a sole picket during weeks of action, was joined for the first time this morning by his colleague Matthew.

There were also pickets in Birkenhead, Bradford, Grimsby, Handsworth, Pudsey and St Helens.

Our members are out all week, having already taken more than 30 days’ action. G4S members, who help ensure safety in jobcentres, have only been offered a pay rise that is just 32p above the National Living Wage while G4S rakes in millions. Our members are not prepared to sit back and accept this.

PCS membership has more than trebled during the dispute and members have been holding well-supported picket lines outside jobcentres, many of which have been forced to close during the strike action.

Support the picket lines

Picket lines are expected at these locations tomorrow:

  • Birkenhead – Brunswick House, Price Street, 8am
  • Bradford – Westfield House, 9am
  • Grimsby - Bridge House, Victoria Street, 8-10.30am
  • Middleton – Jobcentre Plus, Othen House, Oldham Road, 7am
  • Oldham – Tweedale House, Union Street, 9am
  • St Helens - Gregson House, 8.15-10am
  • Sheffield - Bailey Court Jobcentre, 112 West Street, Sheffield, S1 3SY
  • Walsall - Bridle Court Jobcentre Plus – 8.30-10am.

Vote in the ballot

PCS is running a consultative ballot on the pay offer.

The ballot runs until Friday (27 September) and is online for all G4S members that we hold an email address for. All other members will receive their ballot in the post.

The questions on the ballot are as follows:

  • Do you reject the pay offer made by G4S?
  • Are you prepared to take further strike action in support of better pay?

PCS is recommending that members reject the pay offer and indicate that they are prepared to take further strike action by voting YES/YES.

If you work on the G4S security contract in DWP and want to support the campaign, join PCS online.

PCS will continue to demand that the UK Government delivers on its commitment to “bring about the biggest wave of insourcing in a generation”.