Sexual harrassment in the MoD

PCS issues a further statement following slow progress of the employers "Reaffirming our standards programme".

The “Reaffirming our Standards” programme was initiated after more than 60 women went public about sexual harassment and sexism within the MOD in November 2023. 

Following the PCS general secretary's letter to the Ministry of Defence in May we are frustrated with the slow pace of progress. PCS along with our sister unions in MOD have issued a statement:

“While our unions continue to engage with the department’s Reaffirming our Standards programme, and despite some recent positive commitments to imbed trade union representatives within some aspects of the programme, we remain frustrated with the pace of progress.

“It has been nine months since 60 women wrote to the ministry to allege sexual assault, harassment and abuse at the hands of colleagues – and still nothing has changed for staff and the ambition and scope of the MoD’s response remains far too limited. 

In May, our unions, joined by academics and women’s rights activists, called for a comprehensive and independent inquiry into sexual harassment in defence that would listen to victims and makes binding recommendations for action by the MoD. This has been rejected by the MoD.

“The new government has the opportunity to tackle this issue head-on by launching an independent inquiry and ensuring the department is compelled to enact its recommendations to make its workplaces safe for all staff.

“The longer we wait for action, the more we risk organisational inertia and the harder it will be to bring about the change staff deserve.”

If you or a colleague have been affected or have experienced any of the issues raised you can contact our Defence Group at