Recognition win in the FM Sector

G4S Staff fight hard and win recognition, writes Sharon Leslie, PCS Facilities Management Industrial Officer

After a lot of hard work by members and reps (both civil service and outsourced) we have finally signed two new recognition agreements with G4S covering around 120 security guards employed on the Cabinet Office and DSIT contracts.

The significance of this win should not be underestimated. The statutory process was started in June 2023 because the previous employer, Mitie, declined voluntary recognition even though we had 50% membership density. The organising work to get us to this position started well before June 2023 and we had to ensure we maintained our membership levels throughout the statutory process.

Members were then TUPE transferred to G4S on 1 October 2023 with a statutory declaration of recognition but without an agreement being signed before the transfer. During the TUPE talks G4S claimed that the GMB had company-wide recognition and they would not recognise PCS. A lot of work was done to convince G4S that with a statutory declaration of trade union recognition, PCS was the legitimate trade union for the transferring members. G4S finally conceded and it took from January until June to agree the wording of the agreement.

The significance of this win should not be underestimated

This gives you some context of the hostile environment our outsourced FM members operate in, where something as fundamental as having a voice through a trade union recognition agreement, must be hard fought for.

There is a lot more organising work to do, to elect reps and train and develop them. A collective agreement is only worth something if we ensure it is implemented. But in the meantime, the members and reps involved should be proud of the union power they have built to achieve this win.