The TUC’s annual conference takes place from 8-11 September and PCS has submitted motions, is holding a fringe event and speaking at others. 

The TUC’s annual conference, or Congress, takes place this year from Sunday 8 September until Wednesday 11 September in Brighton. Delegates will attend to debate the motions submitted from the TUC’s 48 affiliated unions, including PCS.

You can watch a livestream of the debates online through the TUC’s website and catch up the next day on its YouTube channel.

PCS has submitted two motions for debate and our delegation will speak on a range of others.

We have submitted motion 49 on Public services, to be debated on Sunday afternoon, and motion 18 on Climate change, to be debated during the afternoon session on Tuesday.

PCS is hosting a fringe meeting on Tuesday lunchtime, Towards a new age of workplace justice - can Labour deliver? At the meeting our general secretary, Fran Heathcote, will be joined by Nicola Smith, the TUC’s head of the Rights, International, Social and Economics department and Hugh Lanning, former PCS deputy general secretary, to discuss the historic ban on trade unions at GCHQ and look at whether the Labour government will deliver on its pre-election promises on trade union rights.

Fran and other members of the PCS delegation, including national president Martin Cavanagh, will also attend and speak at other fringe events throughout Congress, as well as moving our motions and taking part in the debates on those proposed by other unions.

You can download the final agenda with details of all the motions for debate and see the full list of fringe events..

Remember to check the PCS website and our social media for updates and news from Congress.