PCS supporting Anti-Fascist and Anti-Racist rallies

PCS is asking members and activists to show your support at a local demonstration in your community this weekend.

Stand Up To Racism groups, alongside trade unions, community and faith groups and other anti-fascist groups have organised unity demonstrations in many towns and cities across the country.

The details of demonstrations near you can be found on the national Stand Up To Racism website and the websites and social media of other groups. 

Please read our anti racist, anti-fascist strategy for safety guidance on attending events. Reps can read further guidance on organising and supporting members by logging in to PCS Knowledge.

Called in response to the wave of fascist violence that swept across the country in the wake of the tragic murder of three young girls in Southport, the unity demonstrations are intended to send a message to the fascists that their hate and violence is not welcome in our communities.

Many PCS members will have seen the huge displays of unity that blossomed this week on Wednesday (7) in response to far-right threats to target immigration lawyers and offices.

Despite these being organised at very short notice, members of the local communities stood together and overwhelmingly outnumbered those of the far-right at every location.

We should not be under any illusion that the threat has gone away, or that they will not reappear on our streets again, but the display of unity and love that typified the community gatherings on Wednesday should give us confidence that we can defeat them whenever and wherever they organise.

The unity demonstrations this weekend are planned to be big, vibrant celebrations of our communities and the different cultures that make them up. 

To find out if your branch has organised anything, contact your local reps.  You can find their contact details on PCS Digital.

Be part of it and show those stoking hate and division that they will never win in our communities.