PCS signs open letter to EDL conference hotel

The letter has been sent to the Nottinghamshire hotel asking it to reconsider allowing the English Democrats to hold their conference there.

PCS has written to Nottinghamshire country house hotel the Bestwood Lodge, asking them to reconsider its decision to allow far-right organisation the English Democrats to hold their conference in the hotel next month.

The English Democrats, a far-fight nationalist organisation with ties to nazi group The Patriotic Alternative, is planning to hold its autumn conference in the hotel on 4 and 5 October. Many of its supporters are the same people who rioted and attacked innocent people in the summer and used racist and violent chants at protests in Nottingham last month. A number of them were arrested and subsequently charged.

Despite many calls and emails from the local community, the hotel has not confirmed that it has cancelled the booking.

PCS Midlands region, along with other unions and community organisations, has written an open letter calling on the hotel to cancel the booking. The letter points out that Nottingham is a multi-cultural, diverse city, and that the hotel management should reconsider its choice to be aligned with an organisation that promotes racism and division.

The letter has been signed by PCS general secretary, Fran Heathcote, PCS president Martin Cavanagh, PCS Midlands regional secretary, Danielle Jackson, and reps and full time officials from many other unions and protest groups.