PCS remembers US union organiser Jane McAlevey

Jane McAlevey, stalwart of the international labour movement, died on 7 July at her home in Muir Beach, California at the age of 59, after a long battle with cancer. 

Jane will be remembered by thousands of union organisers across the world, not only as an academic and scholar of organising, but as a sister and an activist who raised expectations about what we, as workers, should aspire to - a decent job, a quality of life, dignity in old age and a world to offer our children. 

Jane was first and foremost an educator. Throughout her years of work in the US labour movement and beyond, she developed and trained thousands of union activists across the world. In PCS, Jane trained hundreds of members, reps and staff in the methods and techniques of building workplace power from the grassroots. This year, over 30 activists and staff members took part in the Organising 4 Power online course, developed by Jane, that brought together organisers from across the world.

PCS General Secretary, Fran Heathcote, paid tribute to Jane, saying;

“Today is a sad day for the international workers' movement as we say goodbye to one of our sisters, Jane McAlevey. Jane will leave an indelible legacy on our movement and on our own union. Her passion and energy was infectious. She will be greatly missed, but her memory lives on in our struggle to build a more just and equitable society through exercising the power we have as workers to make change.”