PCS approaches new HMRC and VOA Minister

PCS has written to the new Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury to request an early meeting.

Following the general election, and the prime minister’s round of ministerial appointments, PCS has written to James Murray MP, the new minister with responsibility for HMRC and VOA, to request an early meeting.

In our letter, we welcomed the commitment made during the election campaign by Rachel Reeves, the new chancellor of the exchequer, to provide additional resources for Customer Compliance; but added that there are other areas of HMRC, such as Customer Services, which are also in desperate need of bolstering.

Additionally, we reminded the new minister that PCS has long-since been at the heart of the campaign for tax justice; and the need to close the tax gap between the current yield and those taxes that are presently avoided, evaded, or simply not collected through lack of HMRC’s resources.

PCS has already had constructive discussions with the new minister prior to the election, and he addressed our group conference in May 2024. We’re hoping to build on those early constructive discussions, and we’ll keep members fully informed of any developments.