PCS again calls on HMRC to allow medical aid collections for Gaza

Earlier this year, HMRC wrote to PCS to reiterate that the department won’t allow on-site collections for providing medical aid to relieve the intense suffering in Gaza. We’ve written again to HMRC’s chief executive, asking them to reconsider.

In light of the recent change in government here in the UK, and the fact that there’s now an almost universal clamour both for a ceasefire, and for more emergency aid to be provided to those suffering as a result of the current conflict in Gaza, PCS has again written to HMRC, to call on the department to drop its opposition to HMRC staff holding on-site collections, to raise money for the recognised and registered charity ‘Medical Aid for Palestinians’.

As we’ve said on more than one occasion, PCS has rightly condemned the killings and hostage-taking by Hamas on 7 October 2023; but that can’t prevent us from wanting to see an end to the killing and the terrible suffering currently taking place in Gaza.

PCS will continue to press HMRC to relent and to allow for the on-site fundraising to commence. As we’ve said to the department: when it comes to the relief of humanitarian suffering, if HMRC is insisting on setting itself up as some kind of ‘arbiter of worthiness’, it puts itself in a very difficult place indeed.

Read our latest letter to the Chief Executive.