Julia McMurray-Quinn

PCS is sad to report that Julia McMurray-Quinn has passed away after a short illness.

PCS Revenue and Customs group is sad to report the very sad loss of one of their dedicated PCS representatives from our Glasgow branch (and formerly of East Kilbride branch) who was well known and respected across the group.

Julia McMurray-Quinn passed away on Monday 1 July after a short illness, at only 35 years of age. Julia was a strong advocate for women's rights, serving as women's officer in both Glasgow and East Kilbride branches, as well as sitting on the group and national women's advisory committees. Julia was also a star of many PCS conferences over the years where she impressed many activists with her passion for our union but more importantly, made many great friends throughout PCS.

Julia’s husband Rory, who also works for HMRC, had this to say in response to the many messages he has received: "Please know that the words and memories of Julia you have shared are of great comfort to me. She was extremely proud to be a union rep and was passionate about fighting for her colleagues, women’s rights and period dignity which she was able to do through her union role."

PCS sends its heart-felt condolences to Julia's husband Rory and her wider family. Julia, you are going to be sorely missed.

The Glasgow branch will be organising a collection to make a donation to a charity that meant a lot to Julia. We will confirm it with Rory and if you would like to make a donation please contact Linda Benton, PCS Glasgow Branch Secretary for details.